About Us
Paul Herrera is a former U.S. Army soldier and now a disabled veteran. Paul’s desire to help others developed during his childhood in Madison, WI, inspired by his older brother who became a city police officer right out of college. Wanting to contribute in his own way, Paul chose to wear the Army uniform.
During his military service and then as a government contractor, he spent nearly a decade protecting his brothers and sisters in arms. As part of Army surveillance and intelligence operations, he worked with manned aircraft and piloted UAS/drones, served as part of an IED Task Force, and with surveillance reconnaissance operations. After an accomplished combat enlistment, his duties overseas were honed in the private sector where he strengthened strategies for navigating the transfer between military and civilian life challenges.
Paul has always felt the need to help those at risk, and as soldier or civilian, works to assure sons, daughters, husbands, wives, fathers, and mothers return home safely, a mission Everything LifeSaving strives to help veterans and communities with every day.

Josh Cooke served in the U.S. Army as an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Team Leader in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. His background includes Anti-Terrorism, forensics and the render safe of conventional military ordnance in foreign and domestic environments, Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), Radiological Dispersal Devices (RDDs), and Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs). Trained as a first responder, Josh is proficient in Force Protection and First Aid operations, to include Biological and Nuclear Hazard Emergency Personnel Decontamination Station (EPDS) procedures. In Josh’s duties, he was utilized by federal agencies such as the U.S. Secret Service and the Department of State for the protection of the President and foreign dignitaries. Josh is an Engineer working in the Medical Device field while also serving Everything LifeSaving.

Brandon Whorton is currently a Combat Medic for the U.S. Army, as well as a tactical medical consultant supporting Everything Lifesaving. With over a decade serving the military in various medical roles, Brandon continuously searches for avenues to apply his knowledge to benefit
others. Having been deployed in combat and humanitarian missions, Brandon’s critical thinking of lifesaving measures have helped others in the military and especially important to Brandon, during the 2017 Hurricane Harvey rescue efforts along the Texas coastline.
Brandon harnesses life skills gained outside the military too, and includes experiences as an automotive technician for Chevy, drilling monitoring system technician, HVAC technician and experience with residential construction. His knowledge, skills and experiences helped train Soldiers and serves to advise civilian counterparts on lessons learned during operations. Brandon is currently pursuing a degree in medicine as a physician’s assistant and is looking forward to continuing his ethos of giving back to his community.
As we acquired expertise over the years fighting wars on many fronts internationally, we realized as a country we were neglecting many serious dangers developing at home: the battles against human-caused and natural disasters. In our analysis of problematic domestic preparedness and response issues, we recognized many critical areas and situations could be greatly improved if not solved. On our off-duty hours, we focused our specialties to aid areas for domestic problem solving: Search and Rescue, medical response logistics, survivor sustenance, hygiene and food service logistics, emergency housing logistics, and training first responders. Everything LifeSaving serves to bring new and adaptive ideas forward to help our communities, and our veterans, before and after disaster. Our team stands with you, with US, ready to serve.